Woodworm / Furniture beetle Anobium punctatum
Adult Furniture beetle, also called Woodworm
Size: 2-5mm
Shape: longish oval
Colour: dark brown (dull)
Antennae: medium, last few segments triangular
Distinguishing features: head not visible from above, thorax has distinct hump when seen from the side, lines of punctures on the wing cases. Life cycle can be as long as five years.
The adults are much smaller than Deathwatch beetle.
Larvae eat: sapwood of hardwoods, plywood, occasionally books
Damage is: tunnels and small (1.5-2mm) round exit holes, copious gritty frass. The frass forms conical piles if undisturbed.
Adults eat: very little but will bite their way out of the wood.
Other info: only found in objects and building timbers when humidities are high, above 60%. Damage to sapwood can be severe but heartwood is very rarely attacked. Adults will fly to the light in spring and early summer when it is warm.
Can be confused with Biscuit beetle.
Size: 2-5mm
Shape: longish oval
Colour: dark brown (dull)
Antennae: medium, last few segments triangular
Distinguishing features: head not visible from above, thorax has distinct hump when seen from the side, lines of punctures on the wing cases. Life cycle can be as long as five years.
The adults are much smaller than Deathwatch beetle.
Larvae eat: sapwood of hardwoods, plywood, occasionally books
Damage is: tunnels and small (1.5-2mm) round exit holes, copious gritty frass. The frass forms conical piles if undisturbed.
Adults eat: very little but will bite their way out of the wood.
Other info: only found in objects and building timbers when humidities are high, above 60%. Damage to sapwood can be severe but heartwood is very rarely attacked. Adults will fly to the light in spring and early summer when it is warm.
Can be confused with Biscuit beetle.

Woodworm / Furniture beetle Anobium punctatum