Database of IPM References

This database was compiled by Amy Crossman and David Pinniger.

It was last updated in August 2018 and it is intended that it will be updated annually to include new references.

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Author Co-authors Year Category Title Type of Publication Specific Reference ISBN/ISSN Editor Language
Howard L O Biology Some temperature effects on household insects. Paper US Bureau of Entomology Bull. Series 6, pp. 13- 17. English
Anon General Pest Management The ten agents of deterioration: No 3 Pests. Leaflet NatSCA English
Tonin C Innocenti R, Cravello B, Songia M B and Di Nola Conservation Pesticides and carpets: Identification, quantitative analysis and removal. Paper Newsletter, pp. 24- 26. English
Allen B Biology Philosophical Transactions: Giving fome account of the Prefent Undertakings, Studies and Labours of the Ingenious, in many parts of the World. Volume XX for the Year 1698. Book Smith S and Walford B, pp.376- 377. English
Lettsom J C Collections/Environment The naturalists' and traveller's companion. Book London: Cheapside. English
Demaus R Treatment/Physical Precision treatment of death watch beetle attack. Paper BC Special Report on Ecclesiastical Buildings, pp. 9- 11. English
Clark C O 1928 Treatment/Physical The protection of animal fibres against clothes moths and dermestid beetles. Paper Journal of the Textile Institute 19, pp. 295- 320. English
Becker G 1943 Biology On the ecology and physiology of beetles injurious to timber. Paper Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 30 (1), pp. 104- 118. German
Hinton H E 1945 Biology Monograph of the Beetles Associated with Stored Products. Book British Museum (Natural History), London, Vol 1. English
Merrill E D 1948 Collections/Environment On the control of destructive insects in the herbarium. Paper Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 29, pp. 103- 110. English
Rawle S G 1951 Biology Effects of high temperature on the common clothes moth Tineola bisselliella. Paper Bulletin of Entomological research 42, part 1, pp. 29- 40. English
Woodroffe G E 1952 Biology The biological origin of our domestic insect pests. Paper Biology and Human Affairs 18 (1).
Bezant E T 1957 Biology Further records of the Australian carpet beetle, Anthrenocerus australis (Hope) (Col., Dermestidae) in Britain. Paper The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine xciii pp. 401. English
Woodroffe G E Parkin E A 1957 Biology The first household infestation of the Australian carpet beetle, Anthrenocerus australis (Hope) (Col. Dermestidae) in Britain. Paper The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine xciii pp. 144. English
Bezant E T 1957 Biology The Australian carpet beetle, Anthrenocerus australis (Hope) (Col., Dermestidae) in Britain. Paper The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine xciii pp. 207. English
Britton E B 1961 Biology Domestic woodboring beetles Book British Museum (Natural History), Economic Series 11A London. English
Blake G M 1961 Biology Length of life, fecundity and oviposition cycle in Anthrenus verbasci (L.) (Col., Dermestidae) as affected by adult diet. Paper Bulletin of Entomological Research 52, pp. 459- 472. English
Anon 1965 Biology Biology and control: Stored- tobacco insects. Leaflet Agriculture Handbook 233, Washington: Agricultural Research Service, 1965 rev. English
Bezant E T 1965 Biology Food-handling premises in Britain as an ecological niche for Dermestes (Coleoptera, Dermestidae). Paper Twelfth International Congress on Entomology, London, pp. 648. English
Woodroffe G E 1967 Biology Anthrenus sarnicus Mroczkowski (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) in Britain. Paper Journal of Stored Product Research 3, pp. 263- 265. English
Strong R G 1970 Monitoring and trapping Distribution and relative abundance of stored- product insects in California: A method of obtaining sample populations. Paper Journal of Economic Entomology 63, pp. 591- 596. English
Ebeling W 1971 Treatment/Physical Sorptive dusts for pest control. Paper Annual Review of Entomology. English
Cymorek S 1971 Treatment/Physical Uber notwendige temperatur- zeit- verhaltnisse zum abtoten von Lyctus- Larven bezogen auf die helbverleimug von turen. Paper Mitt.d.Deutschen ges and Holz 57, pp. 50- 57. German
Jay E G Arbogast R T and Pearman G C 1971 Treatment/Physical Relative Humidity: Its importance in the control of stored-product insects with modified atmospheric gas. Paper Journal of Stored Products Research 6, pp. 325- 329. English
Chaddick P R Leek F F 1972 Biology Further specimens of Stored Products Insects found in Ancient Egyptian tombs. Paper Journal of Stored Products Research 8. pp. 83- 86.
Halstead D G H 1975 Biology Changes in the status of insect pests in storage and domestic habitats. Paper Proceedings 1st International Conference on Stored Product Entomology Savannah, USA, 1975, pp. 142- 153. English
Ward R Philip 1976 General Pest Management Museum Methods Manual 4: Getting the bugs out. Canada: British Columbia Provincial Museum. English
Winks R G Champ B R 1977 Strategies The principles of pest control in museums. Paper Conservation in Australia. English
Toshiko K 1977 Treatment/Physical Effects of insecticidal and fungicidal agents on materials of cultural properties. Paper Scientific papers on Japanese Antiques and Arts and Crafts, No. 19- 20. English
Ebeling W 1978 General Pest Management Urban Entomology. Book University of California, pp. 695. 931876192 English