This database was compiled by Amy Crossman and David Pinniger.
It was last updated in August 2018 and it is intended that it will be updated annually to include new references.
This database was compiled by Amy Crossman and David Pinniger.
It was last updated in August 2018 and it is intended that it will be updated annually to include new references.
Author | Co-authors | Year | Category | Title | Type of Publication | Specific Reference | ISBN/ISSN | Editor | Language |
Pinniger D B | Child R E | 1996 | Monitoring and trapping | Woodworm a necessary case for treatment? New techniques for the detection and control of furniture beetle. | Paper | 2nd International Conference on Insect Pests in the Urban Environment, Edinburgh, 1996. | English | ||
Fidler J et al | 1998 | General Pest Management | Woodcare: Deathwatch beetle decay and its treatment: Conference Abstracts. | Paper | London: English Heritage, pp. 1- 14. | English | |||
Creffield J W | 1991 | Biology | Wood destroying insects, wood borers and termites. | Book | Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO. | English | |||
Phippard J | 2011 | Strategies | Where do we go from here? The challenges of implementing an IPM programme at the British Museum. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 180- 187 . | 9781848021143 | Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A | English | |
Pinniger D B | 2001 | Biology | Where do we go from here? The challenges of implementing an IPM programme at the British Museum. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2001: A Pest Odyssey. London, 1-3 October, 2001. London: James and James, pp. 9- 13. | 1902916271 | Kingsley H, Pinniger D, Xavier- Rowe A and Winsor P | English | |
Blyth V | Smith S | 2011 | Strategies | Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 146- 150. | 9781848021143 | Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A | English |
Pinniger D B | 2010 | Biology | Watch out! Vodka beetles about. | Paper | Pest Magazine, September/October 2010. | English | |||
Hammick S | 1989 | Treatment/Physical | WARNING! Dichlorvos resin strip fumigation. | Paper | Textile Conservation Newsletter, pp. 1- 10. | English | |||
Koestler R J | Parreira E, Santoro E D and Noble P | 1993 | Conservation | Visual effects of selected biocides on easel painting materials. | Paper | Studies in Conservation, 38, 1993, pp. 265- 273. | English | ||
Xavier-Rowe A | Imison D, Knight B and Pinniger D B | 2000 | Treatment/Physical | Using heat to kill museum insect pests- Is it practical and safe? | Paper | In: Tradition and Innovation: Advances in Conservation. Contributions to the Melbourne Congress 10- 14 October 2000. London: IIC, pp. 206- 211. | 950052590 | Ashok Roy and Perry Smith | English |
Child R E | Pinniger D B | 2008 | Treatment/Physical | Using anoxia to kill pests: Methodologies and methods. | Paper | Proceedings ICOM CC, Vo 1 pp. 563- 567. | English | ||
Rumball N | Pinniger D B | 2003 | Collections/Environment | Use of temperature to control an infestation of biscuit or drugstore beetle Stegobium paniceum in a large economic botany collection | Paper | Collections Forum 18 [1-2] p50-58 | English | ||
Hansen L Stengaard | 1992 | Treatment/Physical | Use of freeze disinfection for the control of the common furniture beetle Anobium punctatum. | Paper | The International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Harrogate, pp. 1- 5. | English | |||
Ebeling W | 1978 | General Pest Management | Urban Entomology. | Book | University of California, pp. 695. | 931876192 | English | ||
Robinson W H | 1996 | Biology | Urban Entomology. | Book | University of California, pp. 430. | ||||
Hansen L Stengaard | Vagn Jensen K-M | 1996 | Treatment/Physical | Upper lethal temperature limits of the common furniture beetle Anobioum punctatum (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). | Paper | International biodeterioration and biodegradation 1996, pp. 225- 232. | English | ||
Ridout B V | 2001 | Biology | Understanding and controlling anobiid beetles with special reference to the deathwatch beetle Xestobium rufovillosum. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2001: A Pest Odyssey. London, 1-3 October, 2001. London: James and James, pp. 14- 20. | 1902916271 | Kingsley H, Pinniger D, Xavier- Rowe A and Winsor P | English | |
Cymorek S | 1971 | Treatment/Physical | Uber notwendige temperatur- zeit- verhaltnisse zum abtoten von Lyctus- Larven bezogen auf die helbverleimug von turen. | Paper | Mitt.d.Deutschen ges and Holz 57, pp. 50- 57. | German | |||
Bennett G W | Owens J M and R M Corrigan | 1988 | General Pest Management | Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Control Operations 4th edition. | Book | Purdue University/Edgell Communications, pp. 495. | English | ||
Shaw M R | 1999 | Biology | Trogoderma angustum, a museum and herbarium pest new to Britain. | Paper | Entomologists Gazette 50, pp. 99- 102. | English | |||
Kingsley H | Pinniger D B | 2001 | Monitoring and trapping | Trapping used in a large store to target cleaning and treatment. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2001: A Pest Odyssey. London, 1-3 October, 2001. London: James and James, pp. 51- 56. | 1902916271 | Kingsley H, Pinniger D, Xavier- Rowe A and Winsor P | English |
Coghlan A | 1996 | Collections/Environment | Tragedy in toytown. | Paper | New Scientist (21st and 28th December), pp. 38- 41. | English | |||
Gunasekaran N | Rajendran S | 2005 | Treatment/Physical | Toxicity of carbon dioxide to drugstore beetle Stegobium paniceum and cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne. | Paper | Journal of Stored Products Research 41, pp. 283- 294. (Abstract only) | English | ||
Macgregor C | Mackay H and Roach A | 2011 | Treatment/Physical | To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 139- 145. | 9781848021143 | Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A | English |
Brokerhof A W | Morton R and Banks H J | 1993 | Biology | Time-mortality relationships for different species and development stages of clothes moths (Lepidoptera: Tineidae), exposed to cold. | Paper | Journal of Stored Products Research, 29 (3), pp. 277-282. | English | ||
Ridout B V | 2000 | Collections/Environment | Timber and decay in buildings- The conservation approach to treatment. | Book | London, UK: E & F N Spon. | English | |||
Beiner G G | Ogilvie T M A | 2005 | Conservation | Thermal methods of pest eradication: Their effect on museum objects. | Paper | The Conservator Vol. 29, 2005/06, pp. 5- 18. | 0140- 00960 | English | |
Nesheim K | 1984 | Treatment/Physical | The Yale non-toxic method of eradicating book-eating insects by deep-freezing. | Paper | The Restaurator 6. | English | |||
Child R E | 2011 | Monitoring and trapping | The wider use and interpretation of insect monitoring traps. | Paper | In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 66- 70. | 9781848021143 | Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A | English | |
Smith R D | 1984 | Treatment/Physical | The use of redesigned and mechanically modified commercial freezers to dry waterwetted books and exterminate insects. | Paper | Restaurator 6, pp. 165- 190. | English |