What's Eating Your Collection?

Silverfish Lepisma saccharinum



Shape: Long, tapered, torpedo-like. Often contracts on traps.

Colour: Silvery grey, can darken on traps

Antennae: Very long and thin

Distinguishing features: Body is segmented, has three long bristles at the back end (cerci).
Silverfish have nymphs (miniature version of the adult) and not larvae. They are much paler and grow from 1-10mm.

Adults and nymphs are pests of: books, paper, archives and occasionally textiles.

Damage: Both adults and nymphs scrape the surface resulting in thinning and ragged holes.

Often found in: Cool, damp conditions. Large numbers indicate that there is a problem with moisture.

May be confused with Firebrat which needs warm, damp conditions.


Note: The name changed from saccharina to saccharinum in 2018. ICZN article 30, opinion 24

Group of adults and nymphs
Silverfish on trap
Many silverfish on trap
Drawing of silverfish

Silverfish Lepisma saccharinum

Group of adults and nymphs
Silverfish on trap
Many silverfish on trap
Drawing of silverfish