Database of IPM References

This database was compiled by Amy Crossman and David Pinniger.

It was last updated in August 2018 and it is intended that it will be updated annually to include new references.

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Author Co-authors Year Category Title Type of Publication Specific Reference ISBN/ISSN Editor Language
Zycherman L A Schrock J R 1988 Strategies A guide to museum pest control. Book Washington DC, USA: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works and The Association of Systemics Collections. 942924142 Zycherman L A Schrock J R English
Dawson J E 1988 Treatment/Physical Effects of insecticides on museum artifacts and materials. Paper In: Zycherman and Schrock. Zycherman L A Schrock J R English
Evans G 2011 Collections/Environment Driven to distraction by moths: IPM on the Riverside Museum Project. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 84-89. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Stengaard Hansen L Akerlund M, Grontoft T, Ryhl-Svendsen M, Lisbeth Schmidt A, Bergh J E and Vagn Jensen K M 2011 Biology The brown carpet beetle, Attagenus smirnovi: how will climate change affects its future pest status? Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 55- 60. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Strang T J K Kigawa R 2011 Strategies Efficacy, effects, economics: the problem of distributing pest control advice to cover contingency. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 16- 25. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Thompson Webb J 2011 Strategies But how do I know I've got pests? Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 163- 167. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Pinniger D B 2011 General Pest Management Ten years on- from vodka beetles to risk zones. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 1-9. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Helena Hakanen E 2011 Strategies Outsmarting the persistent moths: strategic planning for pest control Nordiska Museet. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 151- 156. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Davy Ball M Bisulca C and Odegaard N 2011 Treatment/Physical Assessment of the Thermo-Lignum oven pest eradication treatment on natural and synthetic polymers and resins. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 107- 114. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Sonoda N Hidaka S 2011 Strategies Integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, Japan: re-evaluation of preventive measures and control strategies. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 123- 138. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
French A 2011 Collections/Environment Skins, shoes and 2,500 saplings; combining integrated pest management and contemporary art installations. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 174- 179. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Bancroft A Blyth V and Watson E F 2011 Treatment/Physical Minus 20 degrees in the sun. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 95- 101. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Macgregor C Mackay H and Roach A 2011 Treatment/Physical To bag or not to bag? Treatment of a large Solomon Islands war canoe and the growing threat of drywood termites to collections in Australia. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 139- 145. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Kwindt M Smyk L 2011 Strategies Building with pest management in mind: a case study from the Canadian Museum of Nature. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 46- 54. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Child R E 2011 Monitoring and trapping The wider use and interpretation of insect monitoring traps. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 66- 70. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Perkins Arenstein R Duncan N, Kronthal Elkin L and Norris C A 2011 General Pest Management Crazy as a bedbug: the Integrated Pest Management Working Group's development of resources and best practices for the museum community. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 168-173. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Xavier-Rowe A Lauder D 2011 General Pest Management Ten years of integrated pest management at English Heritage. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 10- 15. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Vaucheret S Leonard L 2011 Strategies Dealing with an infestation of Reesa vespulae while preparing to move to new stores. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 71- 76. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Phippard J 2011 Strategies Where do we go from here? The challenges of implementing an IPM programme at the British Museum. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 180- 187 . 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Houston M 2011 Strategies The measured, slimline implementation of integrated pest management at the National Trust for Scotland. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 77- 83. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Allen E 2011 Biology The problems of house mice in historic houses and museums. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 90- 94. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Kigawa R Strang T 2011 Conservation Effects of fumigants and non-chemical treatments on DNA molecules and proteins: case studies on natural history specimens and proteinaceous components of museum objects. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 115- 122. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Borig J 2011 Treatment/Physical Mobigas at the National Gallery of Victoria, Australia and the struggle for recognition by quarantine authorities. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 102- 106. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Cahill F Martin L 2011 Strategies Quick, quick, put the lid back on! Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 157- 162. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Querner P Simon S 2011 Strategies Developing and implementing an integrated pest management concept in the large collections of the National Museums in Berlin. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 38- 45. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Doyle A M Evans C and Yanez Lopez M 2011 Strategies Integrating IPM risk zones and environmental monitoring at the Museum of London. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 26- 30. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Higgs S Bridal J 2011 Strategies Moths, Exosex and floor voids at Hampton Court Palace. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of the 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 61- 65. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Blyth V Smith S 2011 Strategies Webbing clothes moth in the Victoria and Albert Museum's British galleries: a successful campaign. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 146- 150. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Smith D A 2011 Monitoring and trapping Mapping museum pest activity: a review of the development of KE EMu as a tool for pest management. Paper In: Integrated Pest Management for Collections. Proceedings of 2011: A Pest Odyssey, 10 Years Later. London, 26- 28th October, 2011. Swindon: English Heritage, pp. 31- 37. 9781848021143 Winsor P, Pinniger D, Bacon L, Child B, Harris K, Lauder D, Phippard J and Xavier-Rowe A English
Tello H Jelen E and Unger A 2005 Treatment/Physical Decontamination of Ethnological Collections using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Paper In: ICOM Committee for Conservation Vol 1. The Hague, pp. 110- 119. Verger I English